Lions Mane Mushroom

  • A great way to start the day! If you are a routine coffee drinker this is a great option for you. For days that you are "on" enjoy having all 3 together (lions mane coffee, vitamin b3, and magic) for the perfect trifecta!

    This is the brand I recommend, using the link below will automatically apply my promo code but be sure to use my code MYSTMUSH to save some mula at check out!

    This is what I drink everyday now myself, it is very uplifting just from one cup and I do not experience any caffeine crash or anxiousness.


  • ALL Organic, Third Party Tested, No fillers or binders, 100% fruiting body.

    ORDER POWDER FORM · Great option if you’d like to simply add this to your favorite coffee, smoothie, tea, or any meal that works for you!

    ORDER CAPSULE FORM · Simple! and straight to the point, these capsules are from Paul Stamets’s company Host Defense.



    Niacin does wonders for the body, supporting not only our nervous system but our skin and nails too. It also helps in making our neurons in the brain more receptive which aids in supporting the neural regeneration process from the micro dosing.

  • BE AWARE Niacin may cause a reaction to the body called “flushing” and lasts for only 30 minutes or less. Body may feel very hot, red raised spots or marks appear on the body, and itching.

Magic Microdoses


    This an easy all in one option for you to do the Stamets Stacking Protocol, offering the micrdoses, lions mane, and niacin supplements all in one.

    Mushiees Stamets Stacking Capsules

    You will have to register to have access to site.

  • Link coming soon



Morning Ritual

For grounding, empowering, and protecting your energy and auric field through the day.


Evening Ritual

For protecting, empowering, and clearing your energy and auric field while you sleep and are in dream space.


Daily Affirmation

Listen to this anytime! Perhaps in the morning when you’re brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand? Sounds funny but that is another hack to building new neural pathways 😜

Or simply recite them whenever you feel called to! The affirmation will change every week, stay tuned!


Holy Fire Healing Experience

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